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Global Report On Internal Displacement 2024

Global Report On Internal Displacement 2024:   The number of internally displaced people increased to 75.9 million, from 71.1 million in the preceding year, according to the Global Report on Internal Displacement 2024 (GRID-2024) released recently. Global Report on Internal Displacement 2024 is an annual report published by the Geneva-based Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC). […]

Bulava Missile

Bulava Missile: Russian President has bolstered the country’s military capabilities by ordering the addition of a new nuclear-capable missile known as the Bulava into the Russian military arsenal. RSM-56 Bulava (NATO reporting name: SS-N-32) is a Russian submarine-launched intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). Designed by the Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology, development of the missile was […]


Kadars: The recent death of a Kadar tribesman in Tamil Nadu’s Anamalai Tiger Reserve in an elephant attack has left the indigenous community and conservationists in shock as Kadars are known to co-exist with wild elephants for ages. They are a small indigenous tribal community in South India. They reside along the hilly border between […]

World Migration Report 2024

World Migration Report 2024: The World Migration Report 2024 was launched by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), revealing significant shifts in global migration patterns. World Migration Report is IOM’s flagship report released biennially. The report highlighted that Mexico, China, the Philippines, and France were the other four nations in the top five remittance recipient […]

Semal Trees

Semal Trees: Semal trees, crucial to Udaipur’s Holi festivities, face peril in south Rajasthan. Despite their ecological significance, thousands are cut annually for bonfires, violating forest laws. Semal trees, also known as silk cotton trees or Bombax Ceiba, are large, fast-growing trees (large deciduous trees, known for their Crimson red flowers) native to India. Ayurvedic […]