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H-1B Visa : Program To Renew

H-1B Visa : Program To Renew The U.S. State Department recently launched a program to renew the much sought-after H-1B foreign work visas domestically. H-1B Visa is a non-immigrant visathat allows US companies to employ foreign workers in speciality occupations that require theoretical or technical expertise for a specified period. A speciality occupation is one […]

New Kangaroo Lizard Species

New Kangaroo Lizard Species: Scientists have discovered a new kangaroo lizard species from the Western Ghats. Researchers named the new, scaly reptiles after the Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered of Existence (EDGE) program through the Zoological Society of London. The new species Agasthyagama edgeor the northern kangaroo lizard belongs to the Agamidae family. A group […]

Lab-Grown Fish

Lab-Grown Fish: ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) has entered into a collaborative research agreement with a private-sector start-up offering cultivated meat technology solutions to grow fish meat in the laboratory. Lab-grown fish is merely a type of lab-grown or cultivated/cultured meat. Seafood without the sea is ‘grown’ in the same way as other cultivated […]