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International Abhidhamma Divas

International Abhidhamma Divas:

The Prime Minister of India addressed a ceremony in celebration of International Abhidhamma Divas and recognition of Pali as classical language in New Delhi.

  • Abhidhamma Divas commemorates the day when Lord Buddha descended from the celestial realm, Tāvatiṃsa-devaloka, to Sankassiya (now Sankisa Basantapur) in Uttar Pradesh.
  • The Asokan Elephant Pillar, a historical marker at the site, marks this significant event.
  • According to Theravāda Buddhist texts, Lord Buddha spent three months teaching the Abhidhamma to the deities in Tāvatiṃsa, including his mother.
  • The celebration of Abhidhamma Divas coincides with the end of the first Rainy Retreat (Vassa) and the Pavāraņā festival, a time when monks and nuns conclude their retreat period with a ceremony.
  • This year International Abhidhamma Divas was hosted by the Ministry of Culture in collaboration with the International Buddhist Confederation (IBC).
  • The Abhidhamma adopts a specialized and analytical approach to explore reality.
  • It offers a detailed framework for understanding the nature of existence, addressing the processes of birth, death, and mental phenomena in a precise and abstract manner.
  • The four ultimate realities in the Abhidhamma are: “citta” (consciousness), “cetasika” (mental factors), “rūpa” (materiality), and “nibbāna” (final liberation).