Indian Biennial Update Report:
India submitted its Biennial Update Report (BUR-4), providing a detailed account of its greenhouse gas (GHG inventory), progress on targets, and measures to combat climate change.
Highlights of India’s BUR-4:
- Total GHG emissions: 2,959 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent.
- Net GHG emissions (after forestry absorption): 2,437 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent.
- Emissions intensity of GDP reduced by 36% from 2005 levels.
- Energy: 75.66% (Electricity production alone: 39%).
- Agriculture: 13.72%.
- Industry and Waste: 10.62%.
- Emissions intensity reduction target of 45% by 2030 is on track.
- Non-fossil fuel-based power generation capacity: 46.52% as of 2024.
- Additional carbon sink creation: 2.29 billion tonnes CO2 equivalent (2005–2021).
- Perform, Achieve, and Trade (PAT): Saved 7.72 Mtoe and reduced 28.74 million tonnes of CO2 emissions.
- Highlighted needs for advanced technologies like ultra-efficient photovoltaics, floating wind turbines, and carbon capture for industrial sectors.