Commemorative Stamps:
The Department of Posts released a set of commemorative postage stamps to celebrate the Paris Olympics.
- Commemorative stamps are issued commemorating important events, prominent personalities in various fields, aspects of nature, beautiful or rare flora and fauna, environmental issues, agricultural activities, national/international issues, games etc.
- These stamps are only available at Philatelic Bureaux and counters or under the Philatelic Deposit Account Scheme.
- They are printed in limited quantities.
- Some of the rules for issuing Commemorative Postage Stamps
- Proposals for the issue of Commemorative Postage Stamps may be sent by any citizen of India.
- Stamps shall be issued only on the apex institution/organization, on its 100th /125th /150th anniversary and not on the branches of any institution or organization.
- The institution/organization should have national or international stature with significant and well-recognised contributions in their respective fields.
- No stamp will be issued on a living personality. The personalities on whom the commemorative postage stamp may be issued should be of national or international importance.
- The occasion to be commemorated must be the birth centenary or 10th /25th /50th /100th death anniversary. Stamps can be issued no sooner than ten years after an individual’s death.
- Exception in this regard will however be considered to be made for personality from the field of Art, Culture and Music.
- A stamp on the building, monument etc. may be issued on its centenary/125th anniversary/150th anniversary etc. The building, to be so honoured must be a Heritage site of national/international importance or a site recognized by ASI of national/international importance.
- These are released by the Department of Posts, Ministry of Communications.