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Posts by Kumari Sonali:

Idate Commission

Idate Commission: The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) emphasised the importance of executing the recommendations of the Idate Commission report. NHRC organized an open house discussion on the Protection of Nomadic, Semi Nomadic and De-Notified Tribes in India and forward trajectory. Idate Commission established in 2014 which was Headed by Bhiku Ramji Idate. Objective is […]

Sloth Bear

Sloth Bear: Karnataka has witnessed instances of human-sloth bear confrontations, raising concerns for both communities and wildlife enthusiasts. Sloth bear scientific Name: Melursus ursinus Sloth bears are one of the eight bear speciesfound across the world. They are myrmecophagous, meaning, they find bugs and termites to be their most sought-after meal. They live in a […]