AgniKul Cosmos: AgniKul Cosmos, a space tech start-up based in Chennai, set to launch their groundbreaking Agnibaan SubOrbital Technological Demonstrator (SOrTeD), the world’s first 3D-printed rocket into space. AgniKul Cosmos’ journey is supported by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and Indian National Space Promotion and Authorisation Centre (IN-SPACe). The Agnibaan SOrTeD is a customisable […]
Category: Science and Technology Current Affairs
Gene-edited Mustard
Gene-edited Mustard: Indian scientists developed the first ever Gene edited low-pungent mustard that is pest and disease-resistant. Gene-edited Mustard is India’s most significant domestically-grown oilseed is rapeseed-mustard. Mustard seeds have high levels of glucosinolates, a group of sulphur and nitrogen-containing compounds contributing to the characteristic pungency of their oil and meal. Rapeseed meal is unpalatable […]
COVID-19 New Variant : EG.5.1
COVID-19 New Variant : EG.5.1 Doctors have urged people to stay vigilant against COVID-19 variant EG.5.1. On August 9, the World Health Organization (WHO) designated the latest COVID variant, EG.5.1, unofficially known as, Eris, as a variant of interest. The overall risk evaluation by WHO places this variant at a low level. COVID-19 variant EG.5.1.:- […]
NASA’s STEREO-’s Earth Flyby
NASA’s STEREO-’s Earth Flyby: In a significant development, NASA’s (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO-A) spacecraft has made its first Earth Flyby, nearly 17 years after its initial launch. During the Earth flyby, STEREO-A will collaborate with Nasa’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and Nasa’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), enhancing its […]
Psoriasis Awareness Month 2023
Psoriasis Awareness Month 2023: Every year, August is marked as Psoriasis Awareness Month. Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that causes the rapid buildup of skin cells. This buildup of cells causes scaling on your skin’s surface. It causes a rash with itchy, scaly patches, most commonly on the knees, elbows, trunk and scalp. It […]
Gandhinagar Declaration
Gandhinagar Declaration: The WHO South-East Asia Region recently committed to further accelerate efforts to end tuberculosis by 2030, with member countries adopting the Gandhinagar Declaration. It was adopted at the end of the two-day meeting held in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, to follow up on the progress made to end tuberculosis (TB) by the countries of the […]
PM-eBus Sewa Scheme
PM-eBus Sewa Scheme: The union cabinet recently approved the ‘PM-eBus Sewa’ scheme for augmenting city bus operations. Under the PM-eBus Sewa Scheme, 10,000 e-buses will be deployed across cities in the country. Under this scheme, city bus operations will be done on a Public Private Partnership (PPP) model. This scheme will support bus operations for […]
Nutrition And TB Linkage : Lancet Study
Nutrition And TB Linkage : Lancet Study New studies published in The Lancet and The Lancet Global Health journals provide evidence that improved nutrition can significantly reduce tuberculosis (TB) incidence and mortality in India. The Reducing Activation of Tuberculosis by Improvement of Nutritional Status (RATIONS) trial conducted in Jharkhand (the state has a high TB […]
Pibot : Humanoid Robot
Pibot : Humanoid Robot A team of engineers and researchers from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST) is currently developing a humanoid robot named ‘Pibot’ that can fly aircraft without needing to modify the cockpit. Pibot is the world’s first humanoid pilot. It can fly an aeroplane just like a human pilot […]
SAMUDRA Mobile App
SAMUDRA Mobile App: The Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), a division of the Ministry of Earth Sciences, has introduced a new mobile application called ‘SAMUDRA’ – Smart Access to Marine Users for Ocean Data Resources and Advisories. This app offers comprehensive ocean-related information, benefiting seafarers and the fishing community. It provides real-time […]