PRET Initiative: The World Health Organization (WHO) has launched the PRET initiative to be better prepared for future outbreaks of a similar scale and devastation as the COVID-19 pandemic. The Preparedness and Resilience for Emerging Threats (PRET) Initiative is aimed at providing “guidance on integrated planning for responding to any respiratory pathogen such as influenza […]
Category: Science and Technology Current Affairs
6th Edition Of One Earth One Health – Advantage Healthcare India 2023
6th Edition Of One Earth One Health – Advantage Healthcare India 2023: The Prime Minister inaugurated the 6th Edition of One Earth One Health – Advantage Healthcare India 2023 meet and expressed India’s commitment to making healthcare accessible and affordable not only for its citizens but for the whole world. The need for an integrated, […]
Big Catch-up Initiative
Big Catch-up Initiative: A global effort called “The Big Catch-up” was announced by various health organizations Implementing Partners are WHO, UNICEF, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Immunization Agenda 2030, and other health partners Objective is to Boost childhood vaccination rates and reverse declines caused by the COVID-19 pandemic 20 countries including […]
Taam Ja Blue Hole Discovered
Taam Ja Blue Hole Discovered: Scientists have discovered a massive blue hole off the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. It is a type of underwater sinkhole or vertical cave that is typically found in low-lying coastal karst platform regions. These are formed when limestone or other carbonate rock is dissolved by slightly acidic groundwater […]
Bengaluru Experienced a Zero Shadow Day
Bengaluru Experienced a Zero Shadow Day: Bengaluru experienced a ‘Zero Shadow Day’, when vertical objects appear to cast no shadow. Zero Shadow Day is a sub-solar point where the sun is directly overhead at a particular latitude. When the sun is at the zenith (the highest point in the sky) its rays will be hitting […]
Vaccine For Shingles Disease
Vaccine For Shingles Disease: GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals (GSK India) announced the much-awaited launch of its globally top-selling shingles vaccine Shingrix in India. Shingles disease is caused by the varicella-zoster virus the same virus that causes chickenpox. It can occur anywhere in the human body. It typically looks like a single stripe of blisters that wraps around […]
Injectable Cell Therapy To Treat Osteoarthritis
Injectable Cell Therapy To Treat Osteoarthritis: Scientists have recently developed a new injectable cell therapy to treat osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that can affect the many tissues of the joint. It is the most common type of arthritis. Arthritis refers to biomechanical changes within a joint. Osteoarthritis occurs when the protective cartilage […]
White Spot Disease In Shrimp
White Spot Disease In Shrimp: Over the past month, white spot disease has affected over 100 acres of shrimp farming in Nagapattinam district, Tamil Nadu. White Spot Disease is a highly contagious viral infection that affects crustaceans such as prawns, yabbies and crabs. When found in high-intensity production areas, such as prawn farms, white spot […]
LockBit Ransomware
LockBit Ransomware: It has been found that LockBit ransomware was found to be targeting Mac devices. Earlier in January 2023, the LockBit gang was reportedly behind a cyber-attack on U.K. postal services, causing international shipping to grind to a halt. A ransomware is a type of malware that hijacks computer data and then demands payment […]
‘ARTSENS’ Device
‘ARTSENS’ Device: Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology-Madras (IIT-M) recently developed a device called ‘ARTSENS’ to assess the health and age of blood vessels and thereby provide early screening for cardiovascular diseases. ‘ARTSENS’ Device is a novel, non-invasive device to assess the health and age of blood vessels and thereby provide early screening for […]