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Audible Enclaves : A New Sound Technology

Audible Enclaves: A New Sound Technology

Audible Enclaves are small pockets of sound that are not disturbed by surrounding noise.

  • They allow specific individuals to hear a sound privately, even in crowded environments.
  • The technology is based on sound wave manipulation, ensuring that only intended listeners can hear the transmitted sound.
  • Sound consists of waves moving through a medium, causing particles to vibrate back and forth.
  • The speed of vibration determines the frequency:
    • Higher frequency = Higher pitch sound.
    • When sound waves are emitted from a source, they diverge in a process called diffraction.
    • Higher frequency sounds diverge more than lower frequencies.
    • Audible Enclaves Created Traditional parametric array loudspeakers create focused sound beams using high-frequency waves modulated with an audio signal.
    • Audible enclaves take this a step further using two high-frequency waves of different frequencies:
    • These waves are inaudible on their own.
    • When they intersect, non-linear interactions generate a sound wave audible only at that specific location.
    • This method, reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ensures that only individuals within a defined zone can hear the sound.