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Cashew Crop : Exporting

Cashew Crop : Exporting

The chairman of the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority said that APEDA facilitated the exporting of over 30 tonnes of cashew on World Cashew Day.

  • Cashew Crop is native to Brazilin Latin America and was introduced to India by the Portuguese in the 16th century (1570).
  • Well-drained deep sandy loam soils are the best for growing cashews.
  • In general, all soils, from sandy to laterite, are well suited for this crop.
  • It is very well adapted to Indian coastal areas under hot, humid conditions
  • Temperature: In the range of 20 to 38 °C; relative humidity in the range of 60 to 95%.
  • Extremely low temperatures and frost are not conducive to raising cashew plantations.
  • The cultivation of this crop is being extended to non-traditional areas in the plains of Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, and some parts of North East hill region.
  • India holds the second-largest share in the world’s cashew nut production and exports.
  • The country’s top export destinations include the UAE, the Netherlands, Japan, and Saudi Arabia.

Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA):

  • It was established by the Government of India under the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority Act of 1985.
  • It works under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
  • Objective: To develop and promote the export of scheduled products.
  • The products specified under the APEDA ACT are called scheduled products, and exporters of such scheduled products are required to register under APEDA.
  • It provides financial assistance, information, and guidelines for the development of scheduled products.