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Exercise Cyber Suraksha 2024

Exercise Cyber Suraksha 2024:

Head of the Defence Staff (CDS) General Anil Chauhan started Cyber Suraksha – 2024 on May 22, 2024.The Indian Armed Forces and other national groups are fully committed to protecting the country’s security in the very important area of cyberspace, as shown by Exercise Cyber Suraksha – 2024. 

  • Defence Cyber Agency of India is in charge of the event, which runs from May 20th to May 24th. To protect India from new cyber threats, General Chauhan stressed how important it was to improve the country’s cyber defence system.
  • The main goal of Exercise Cyber Suraksha – 2024 is to improve the cyber defence skills of all cybersecurity organizations in the country.
  • The goal is for the military and key government agencies involved in cybersecurity to work together better and come up with a more unified approach.
  • The exercise is designed to further develop the cyber defence skills of participants.
  • Encourage the sharing of best practices and techniques in cyber defence.
  • Encourage a unified strategy approach to building a strong Cyber Defence Framework.