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Genetic Testing In Sports

Genetic Testing In Sports:

The emergence of genetic testing in sports has gained significant attention, especially with athletes utilising it for performance enhancement ahead of the 2024 Paris Olympics.

  • This trend has sparked debates about the potential benefits and ethical concerns surrounding athletic genetic screening.
  • Genetic testing involves analysing an individual’s DNA to identify genetic variants that can influence health, traits, and performance.
  • It detects alterations in chromosomes, genes, or proteins to confirm or exclude genetic conditions and assess the likelihood of developing or transmitting genetic disorders.
  • These tests can be conducted using samples from blood, hair, skin, amniotic fluid, or other tissues.
  • Types:
    • Cytogenetic Testing: Examines whole chromosomes.
    • Biochemical Testing: Measures proteins produced by genes.
    • Molecular Testing: It detects small DNA mutations.