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MeDevIS Platform

MeDevIS Platform:

The World Health Organization (WHO) has introduced an online platform called MeDevIS.

  • Medical Devices Information System (MeDevIS) is the first global open-access clearing house for information on medical devices.
  • It is designed to support governments, regulators and users in their decision-making on the selection, procurement and use of medical devices for diagnostics, testing and treatment of diseases and health conditions
  • It replaces paper-based literature search across multiple publications with non-standard device names which can add to the complexity.
  • Along with providing a single platform, MedevIS also aims to help make the naming of medical devices simpler.
  • MeDevIS references two international naming systems for medical devices:
  • European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN): It is mostly used in European countries for registration in the European database.
  • Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN): It is used in regulatory agencies in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the USA and other Member States.
  • The naming systems include coding and definitions and can be used in every country to facilitate registration for regulatory approval, procurement and supply, inventories in health facilities, tracking and pricing.
  • It can be useful for national policy-makers to develop or update their own national lists for procurement of health technologies and devices and can contribute to the progress towards universal health coverage.
  • It can also help agencies with health insurance and reimbursement policies for patients.