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Performance Assessment Report Of District Hospitals:NITI Aayog

Performance Assessment Report Of District Hospitals:NITI Aayog

NITI Aayog today released a performance assessment report of district hospitals in India, titled Best Practices in the Performance of District Hospitals.

  • The report is an outcome of collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and WHO India.
  • The National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers, a constituent board of the Quality Council of India, conducted the on-ground data validation.
  • This report is the first-ever performance assessment of district hospitals undertaken across the country.
  • The assessment framework covers 10 Key Performance Indicators across the domains of Structure and Output.
  • A total of 707 district hospitals across all States and Union Territories participated in the performance assessment.
  • The Health Management Information System (HMIS) data for the year 2017–18 has been used as baseline for this exercise.
  • The framework classifies hospitals in three categories: Small Hospitals (less than or equal to 200 beds), Mid-sized Hospitals (between 201–300 beds) and Large Hospitals (more than 300 beds).
  • Overall, 75 district hospitals across 24 States and Union Territories emerged as top performers on indicators ranging from availability of beds, medical and paramedical staff, core health and diagnostic testing services to outputs such as bed occupancy rate and number of surgeries per surgeon.