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Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP)

Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP):

KVIC and Department of Posts collaborate to boost PMEGP Implementation across India.

  • PMEGP is a central sector scheme administered by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.
  • Objectives is to generate employment opportunities in rural as well as urban areas of the country through setting up of new self-employment ventures/projects/micro enterprises.
  • To bring together widely dispersed traditional artisans, rural and urban unemployed youth and give them self-employment opportunities to the extent possible, at their place.
  • To provide continuous and sustainable employment to a large segment of traditional and prospective artisans and rural and urban unemployed youth in the country, so as to help arrest migration of rural youth to urban areas.
  • To increase the wage-earning capacity of workers and artisans and contribute to increase in the growth rate of rural and urban employment.