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Pyrenees Mountains

Pyrenees Mountains:

The French President recently hosted Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Tourmalet Pass in the Pyrenees for private meetings

  • Pyrenees Mountains are a chain of mountains in southwestern Europe that form a natural border between Spain and France.
  • It is a fold mountain chain created by the continental collision of the microcontinent of Iberia with the massive Eurasian plate.
  • They are quite old mountains in comparison to the Alps.
  • It extends for about 500 km from the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea in the east to the Bay of Biscay (Atlantic Ocean) in the west.
  • Politically, it is divided into the Spanish and French Pyrenees.
  • The tiny country of Andorra is found sandwiched between them, in the eastern part of the Pyrenees Mountains.
  • It separates the rest of continental Europe from the Iberian Peninsula.
  • The western end of the Pyrenees Mountains merges with the Cantabrian Mountains, located in the northern part of the Iberian Peninsula.
  • Located in Spain, Aneto Peak, is the highest mountain peak in the Pyrenees Mountains (3,404 m).