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Retreat Of The Foreign Ministers Of The Bay Of BIMSTEC

Retreat Of The Foreign Ministers Of The Bay Of BIMSTEC:

The 2nd Retreat of the Foreign Ministers of the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) was held in New Delhi, taking on added significance amid escalating tensions and major developments in Myanmar.

  • External Affairs Minister of India emphasised the need for BIMSTEC to address regional challenges internally, especially in light of recent setbacks faced by Myanmar’s military junta against various Ethnic Armed Organisations (EAOs).

Highlights of the BIMSTEC Foreign Ministers’ Retreat:

  • The meeting underscored the urgency of addressing long-standing goals like capacity building and economic cooperation due to current global and regional challenges.
  • Discussions centred on the impact of the Myanmar crisis on regional stability and developmental projects.
  • The instability in Myanmar is a major concern for BIMSTEC as it has affected various developmental and connectivity projects aimed at strengthening ties among Nepal, Bhutan, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Thailand.
  • Conversations included the potential for humanitarian aid, though India’s current assistance has been limited to displaced populations and military personnel who have taken refuge in Mizoram.
  • India maintains a cautious stance, particularly since Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs) have gained control over crucial trade routes and territories near international borders.
  • India continues to cooperate on countering transnational crimes such as cybercrime, narcotics, and illegal arms.