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Unified India Organic logo : FSSAI And APEDA

Unified India Organic logo : FSSAI And APEDA

FSSAI and APEDA have developed a new “Unified India Organic” logo to replace the existing India Organic and Jaivik Bharat logos.

  • This move aims to bring uniformity in the implementation of organic regulations by NPOP and FSSAI.
  • The new logo is expected to come into force in the near future, and certification bodies will be given a 3-month transition period for implementation.
  • It will distinguish organic products from non-organic communicating adherence to the National Standards for Organic Production.
  • Currently, the India Organic logo is used on organic products complying with the National Programme for Organic Products (NPOP), while Jaivik Bharat is used on organic products certified by FSSAI.
  • Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) (under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare) regulates the manufacture, distribution, sale or import of Organic products through the Food Safety and Standards (Organic Foods) Regulations, 2017 (under FSSA 2006).