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Women In Leadership In Corporate India : Report

Women In Leadership In Corporate India : Report

A recent report titled “Women in Leadership in Corporate India” by networking platform has shown a persistent underrepresentation of women in leadership positions across Indian corporates.

  • The percentage has remained stagnant below 30% for a considerable period.

Findings of the Report:

  • Women representation across the workforce and in senior leadership positions is below 30% all the time, and is on a declining trend post-pandemic.
  • This can be attributed to the slowdown in fresh hires of women for leadership roles.

Women in Leadership Lowest, Moderate and Highest in Sectors:.

  • Lowest Representation: Construction, Oil, Gas, and Mining, and Utilities (11%), Wholesale and Manufacturing(12%), and Accommodation and Food Services (15%).
  • Slightly Better (12%): Wholesale, Manufacturing
  • Moderate Representation: Technology, Information & Media, Financial Services (19%)
  • Highest Representation: Education (30%) and Government Administration (29%)
  • Breaking the Law: Reports show that laws such as the Companies Act, 2013, which mandates women directors on company boards, are not being followed strictly.
  • Between April 2018 and December 2023, 507 companies were fined for flouting this norm. Of them, 90% were listed companies.