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Women In Space Leadership Programme

Women In Space Leadership Programme:

A Women in Space Leadership Programme (WiSLP) was launched by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) in collaboration with the British Council as part of the UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI).

  • This initiative aims to develop a women’s leadership framework to support institutions in strengthening their gender-inclusive practices and policies, specifically around space sciences and allied areas.
  • It fosters women’s leadership in space sciences by developing a strategic leadership framework. Under this initiative Coventry University acts as the delivery partner.
  • To promote a more equitable distribution of leadership opportunities and enable a workplace culture that recognises female leaders, this programme is underpinned by three foundational pillars:
    • Intersectionality or understanding of different aspects of women’s identities
    • Collaborative culturally sensitive approaches that respond to opportunities and challenges in India
    • Using leadership theory from both social science and STEM to support female scientists to become more confident about their leadership abilities