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RS-24 Yars

RS-24 Yars: Russia recently deployed autonomous launchers of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) RS-24 Yars on combat patrol routes which are equipped with nuclear weapons. The Yars RS-24 (NATO designation SS-29) is a Russian intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) system. It is believed to have entered into service in February 2010. It is reported to be designed […]

Peatland Conservation : Study

Peatland Conservation: A recent study has highlighted the alarming state of under-protection of peatlands, which are crucial for carbon storage and climate regulation. Peatlands are terrestrial wetland ecosystems characterized by waterlogged conditions that prevent complete decomposition of plant material, leading to the accumulation of peat (type of soil).  Highlights of the Study About Peatland: Only […]

Advancing Small-Scale Fisheries

Advancing Small-Scale Fisheries: India has taken over the Chairmanship of the Bay of Bengal Inter-Governmental Organisation (BOBP-IGO) from Bangladesh reinforcing its commitment to the blue economy. India aims to improve livelihoods, sustainability, and economic development of the Small-Scale Fisheries (SSF). It is a regional fisheries body supporting SSF in the Bay of Bengal. Members include […]

Self-Testing of HIV

Self-Testing of HIV: A study by the Indian Council of Medical Research-National Institute of Translational Virology and AIDS Research (ICMR-NITVAR) and Mizoram University has highlighted the success of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) self-testing in Mizoram.The study examined HIV self-testing implementation in Mizoram, which has India’s highest HIV prevalence (2.73%), 13 times the national average.The epidemic […]