Radiative Cooling Paint: Researchers from Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR) have developed a radiative cooling paint, which is specifically engineered to cool structures like buildings, pavers, and tiles in hot weather conditions. Radiative Cooling Paint is developed from a novel MgO-PVDF polymer nanocomposite. They used ultra-white and ultra-emissive magnesium oxide (MgO)-polyvinylidene fluoride […]
Day: November 11, 2023
4th Edition Of ISA Steel Conclave 2023
4th Edition Of ISA Steel Conclave 2023: The 4th edition of ‘ISA Steel Conclave 2023’ was held, nudging Steel Firms to ramp up their capacities so that India’s output of the critical infrastructure input doubles to 300 million tonnes a year by 2030. The event was marked by discussions on the theme, ‘Steel Shaping The […]