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Colombo Process : Regional Consultative Process

Colombo Process : Regional Consultative Process India has assumed the chair of the Colombo Process for 2024-26, the first time since the forum’s inception in 2003. The Colombo Process is a Regional Consultative Process focused on managing overseas employment and contractual labour. It comprises 12 Asian member states, including Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, with India […]

Dag Hammarskjold Medal

Dag Hammarskjold Medal: Naik Dhananjay Kumar Singh, who served with the UN Stabilisation Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO), was posthumously honoured with the prestigious Dag Hammarskjold medal. Naik Singh’s valour and sacrifice were honoured during a solemn ceremony when the UN commemorated the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers. He was among […]