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Fishery Survey of India

Fishery Survey of India:

A deep-sea fishing expedition by the Fishery Survey of India (FSI) recently revealed several highly productive, potentially untouched fishing grounds in the Arabian Sea.

  • The FSI, under the Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry, and Dairying, is the nodal fishery institute in India.
  • Primary Responsibility: Survey and assessment of fishery resources in the Indian exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and adjoining areas for their optimum utilization and sustainable development.
  • Headquarters: Mumbai, Maharashtra
  • It was established in the year 1946 as Deep Sea Fishing Station with the objective of augmenting food supply through the development of deep-sea fishing.
  • It graduated to the status of a survey institute in the year 1974 under the name Exploratory Fisheries Project, with bases known as Offshore Fishing Stations in all the maritime states.
  • The objectives of exploratory fishing and charting of fishing grounds, training of fishing operatives, and testing commercial possibilities of deep-sea fishing were assigned to it.
  • In 1983 it was reorganized and upgraded as a national institute, the FSI.
  • It was recognised as a Science & Technology Institute in the year 1988.