Avangard : Hypersonic Glide Vehicle Russia’s rocket forces loaded an intercontinental ballistic missile equipped with the nuclear-capable “Avangard” hypersonic glide vehicle into a launch silo in southern Russia recently. The Avangard is a nuclear-capable, hypersonic boost-glide vehicle (HGV) developed by the Russian Federation. It was developed as part of the top-secret Project 4202 and given […]
About: Kumari Sonali
Posts by Kumari Sonali:
Leonid Meteor Shower
Leonid Meteor Shower: Many skywatchers in India and around the globe are poised for a cosmic treat—the Leonid Meteor Shower, which has already been underway since November 6, is set to reach its peak in the pre-dawn hours of November 17–18, 2023. Leonid meteor shower is brought about by the dust and debris abandoned by […]
Hello Naariyal : Coconut Development Board
Hello Naariyal : Coconut Development Board The Coconut Development Board (CDB) launched the ‘Hello Naariyal’ Friends of Coconut Trees (FoCT) call centre facility to help farmers with coconut harvesting and plant management operations. Hello Naariyal is a call centre in Kerala that functions from the headquarters of the Board in Kochi. The initiative will benefit […]
Daily Current Affairs for UPSC IAS: 17th Nov 2023
Today’s Current Affairs: 17th Nov 2023 for UPSC IAS exams, State PSC exams, SSC CGL, State SSC, RRB, Railways, Banking Exam & IBPS, etc
MSCI Index
MSCI Index: Global index provider MSCI has announced the inclusion of nine stocks in its MSCI Global Standard Index, effective as of the close of November 30, 2023. MSCI Index is owned by the multinational investment management and financial services company Morgan Stanley. It is an investment research firm that provides stock indexes, portfolio risk […]
Crab Nebula : New Image
Crab Nebula : New Image NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has captured new views of a stunning nebula, the Crab Nebula. NASA released a new image of the Crab Nebula, clearly showing a small white dot at its centre. Crab Nebula is a supernova remnant located 6,500 light-years away. It is located in the […]
National Press Day 2023
National Press Day 2023: The day is observed on 16th November every year to commemorate a free and responsible press. It is observed in honour of the Press Council of India (PCI). Press Council of India (PCI) was established by the Parliament On 4 July 1966. The day is meant to mark the presence of […]
Electric Battery
Electric Battery: The electric battery serves as a portable source of electric power, playing a fundamental role in convenience and sustainability. The first real battery was invented by Alessandro Volta in 1800. In the early 19th century, Michael Faraday worked out why these cells worked the way they did and named their various components (anode, […]
Annapurna Certificate Programme
Annapurna Certificate Programme: The Annapurna Certificate Programme, an initiative by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), has recognized six Indian restaurants worldwide for promoting Indian culinary traditions. This annual program acknowledges restaurants contributing to India’s cultural cause through cuisine on a global scale. The Indian Council for Cultural Relations (founded 1950; HQ: New Delhi; […]
6th India-OPEC Energy Dialogue
6th India-OPEC Energy Dialogue: The 6th High-Level Meeting of the India-Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Energy Dialogue brought together key representatives at the OPEC Secretariat in Vienna, Austria. The meeting delved into critical aspects of oil and energy markets. Key Highlights : The Meeting focused on key issues related to oil and energy […]