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Posts by Kumari Sonali:

Avangard : Hypersonic Glide Vehicle

Avangard : Hypersonic Glide Vehicle Russia’s rocket forces loaded an intercontinental ballistic missile equipped with the nuclear-capable “Avangard” hypersonic glide vehicle into a launch silo in southern Russia recently. The Avangard is a nuclear-capable, hypersonic boost-glide vehicle (HGV) developed by the Russian Federation. It was developed as part of the top-secret Project 4202 and given […]

Hello Naariyal : Coconut Development Board

Hello Naariyal : Coconut Development Board The Coconut Development Board (CDB) launched the ‘Hello Naariyal’ Friends of Coconut Trees (FoCT) call centre facility to help farmers with coconut harvesting and plant management operations. Hello Naariyal is a call centre in Kerala that functions from the headquarters of the Board in Kochi. The initiative will benefit […]

Annapurna Certificate Programme

Annapurna Certificate Programme: The Annapurna Certificate Programme, an initiative by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), has recognized six Indian restaurants worldwide for promoting Indian culinary traditions. This annual program acknowledges restaurants contributing to India’s cultural cause through cuisine on a global scale. The Indian Council for Cultural Relations (founded 1950; HQ: New Delhi; […]