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Stratospheric Aerosol Intervention : Study

Stratospheric Aerosol Intervention : Study A recent study looked at the impact of stratospheric aerosol intervention (SAI) in mitigating global warming effects in West Asia (also known as the Middle East) and North Africa (MENA). Stratospheric Aerosol Intervention (SAI) also known as Stratospheric Aerosol Injection, is a geoengineering or climate engineering approach that uses tiny […]

Nihang Sikhs

Nihang Sikhs: Amid the recent standoff between the protesting farmers and the government, Nihang Sikh warriors have joined the protest, extending support to farmers facing off with security forces Nihangs, originally known as Akalis or Akali Nihangs, are a distinct warrior order within the Sikh community, known for their martial traditions, unique attire, and adherence […]

What Is Humboldt’s Enigma?

What Is Humboldt’s Enigma? Humboldt’s enigma has garnered increased attention in the field of ecology as researchers seek to understand the unexpected biodiversity found in mountain ecosystems, challenging traditional beliefs. Sparked by Alexander von Humboldt’s observations, it questions the conventional notion that tropical regions, fueled by ample sunlight, are the primary centres of biodiversity on […]

Soligas And Yeravas

Soligas And Yeravas:   The Soligas and Yeravas, indigenous groups living in the Western Ghats, forage foods from the biodiversity-rich region, forming a significant part of their diets. The recently launched book “Forgotten Trails: Foraging Wild Edibles” chronicles the diverse foods foraged by these tribes, emphasizing the importance of preserving traditional knowledge and addressing the […]