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Ageing Water Infrastructure: An Emerging Global Risk: UN Report

Ageing Water Infrastructure: An Emerging Global Risk: UN Report: According to a United Nations (UN) report “Ageing water infrastructure: An emerging global risk”, over 1,000 large dams in India will be roughly 50 years old in 2025 and such ageing embankments across the world pose a growing threat. The report, compiled by Canada-based Institute for […]

Sustainable Development Of Little Andaman Island Vision Document By NITI Aayog

Sustainable Development of Little Andaman Island Vision Document by NITI Aayog: A plan named the Sustainable Development of Little Andaman Island Vision Document by NITI Aayog for the sustainable and holistic development of the 680 sq km, fragile Little Andaman Island in the Andaman and Nicobar island group has raised alarm among conservationists. Earlier in […]

Corruption Perception Index 2020 : India Ranks 86th

Corruption Perception Index 2020: Corruption Perception Index 2020 has been released. It is prepared by Transparency International. Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI): It is a composite index that draws from 12 surveys to rank nations around the globe. It has become a benchmark gauge of perceptions of corruption and is used by analysts and investors. The […]

Economic Survey 2020-21 – KeyPoints

Economic Survey 2020-21: Highlights Agriculture: The Agriculture and Allied activities showed a growth of 3.4 percent at constant prices during 2020-21 (first advance estimate) says the Economic Survey 2020-21. As per the Provisional Estimates of National Income released by CSO on 29th May 2020, the share of Agriculture and Allied Sectors in Gross Value Added […]

Covid-19 Performance Index 2021 : India’s Ranking

Covid-19 Performance Index: India has been ranked 86th in a “Covid-19 Performance Index” comprising 98 countries. Covid-19 Performance Index was compiled by the Sydney-based Lowy Institute, an Australian think tank, which sought to measure the response of countries to the Pandemic. The Institute also took into account the impact of geography, political systems and economic […]

India Justice Report 2020: Key Points

India Justice Report 2020: The India Justice Report (2020) prepared by the Tata Trusts in collaboration with the Centre for Social Justice, Common Cause, DAKSH, Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy and the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative has been released recently. The Report assesses the capacity of various states to deliver justice. About the Report: The […]

World Economic Outlook Report 2021: Keypoints

World Economic Outlook: IMF The latest World Economic Outlook of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has estimated that India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will grow by 11.5% in the Financial Year (FY) 2021-22. India Specific Projections: FY 2020-21: For the current fiscal, the IMF had forecast a record 10.3% contraction. FY 2021-22: For the next […]

Global Investment Trends Monitor Report 2021: Keypoints

Investment Trends Monitor Report: UNCTAD: According to the recent Investment Trends Monitor Report issued by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), global Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) collapsed in 2020 by 42% to an estimated USD 859 billion from USD 1.5 trillion in 2019. Such a low level was last seen in the […]

Inequality Virus Report by Oxfam International – Keypoints

Inequality Virus Report by Oxfam International: The Inequality Virus Report, released by Oxfam International, has found that the Covid pandemic deeply increased the existing inequalities in India and around the world. The report states that Covid has the potential to increase economic inequality in almost every country at once – the first time this has […]

Birds of the Sundarban Biosphere Reserve Report – Keypoint

Birds of the Sundarban Biosphere Reserve, released by the ZSI: The publication, Birds of the Sundarban Biosphere Reserve, released by the ZSI, not only documents the avifauna of the Sunderbans but also serves as a comprehensive photographic field guide for the region. The scientists said of the 428 birds listed, some, like the masked finfoot […]