Amrit Bharat Trains 2.0:
The Railway Minister announced that the Ministry has introduced 12 significant improvements to the Amrit Bharat Version 2.0 trains.
Amrit Bharat Trains 2.0:
- The new trains are designed to cater to low and middle-income families, offering a comfortable experience.
- Under this initiative 50 upgraded trains will be manufactured at the Integral Coach Factory (ICF) over the next 2 years.
- The upgraded trains boast 12 notable enhancements
- The Amrit Bharat train is a Push Pull Train with LHB (Linke Hofmann Busch).
- This train has locos at both ends for better acceleration.
- It provides improved facilities for rail passengers like beautiful and attractive designed seats, better luggage rack, mobile charging point with suitable mobile holder, LED lights, CCTV, public information system, among others.
- Its first version was launched in 2024.