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Asteroid 2024 LZ4 : Threat To Earth

Asteroid 2024 LZ4 : Threat To Earth

NASA has recently been keeping an eye on three asteroids that are moving toward Earth.

  • It is important to note that Asteroid 2024 LZ4 will pass closer to Earth than the Moon, by 173,000 miles.
  • Because it is so close, it stands out even more, but because it is only 72 feet long, about the length of an airplane, it has not been labeled as a possibly dangerous object.
  • Neoasteroids are asteroids that come close to Earth on their paths.
  • Most asteroids are in the belt between Mars and Jupiter, but those close to Earth are closely watched because they could be dangerous.
  • An asteroid is considered possibly dangerous if it is within 4.6 million miles of Earth and is more than 150 meters across.
  • Even though it is close, asteroid 2024 LZ4 doesn’t meet these requirements because it is too small.
  • NASA and other space agencies keep a close eye on these objects in space to figure out their paths and the chances of them hitting Earth.
  • Monitoring is essential for protecting the world, including observing and making predictions.
  • Asteroid 2024 LZ4 is only about 72 feet wide, which is about the size of an airplane.
  • Because of its size, it is not very scary.
  • It will be only 173,000 miles away from Earth as it travels at 77,109 kilometers per hour (21.42 kilometers per second).
  • This is compared to the usual distance between Earth and the Moon, which is about 239,000 miles (485 km).