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Broadnose Sevengill Shark

Broadnose Sevengill Shark:

Ecologists are naturally concerned when record-setting rain this year altered the Broadnose Sevengill shark nursery grounds in San Francisco Bay.

  • Broadnose Sevengill Shark is a large seven-gilled with a wide head and short, blunt snout shark.
  • It is related to sharks that lived in the Jurassic Period about 300 million years ago.
  • They prefer tropical, temperate, shallow waters
  • It is found in all oceans except the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea.
  • In the eastern Pacific Ocean, they are found from southeastern Alaska to southern Baja California, Mexico and from Colombia to Chile.
  • They can grow to a maximum length of 2.9 m. Females grow longer than their male counterparts.
  • They feed on anything, such as other sharks, rays, chimaeras, bony fish, hagfish, dolphins and porpoise meat, seals, shark egg cases and sea snails.
  • Conservation status:
    • IUCN: Vulnerable