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Ol Doinyo Lengai Volcano

Ol Doinyo Lengai Volcano:

According to a new study, the Ol Doinyo Lengai volcano which is filled with magma has been erupting beyond the ground hose and at the same time sinking for the past 10 years.

  • Ol Doinyo Lengai Volcano is located in northern Tanzania, at the southern end of Lake Natron.
  • It is known to the local Maasai people as the “Mountain of God.
  • It is an active stratovolcano with unique geological characteristics.
  • It rises to an elevation of 9,442 feet (2,878 metres) and is one of the many volcanoes situated along the East African Rift System.
  • It contains basalts rich in sodium and potassium and is so alkaline that its lavas resemble washing soda.
  • The volcano has more than one active centre and most of the recent eruptions were from its northern crater.
  • This volcano is the only one existing on Earth which has an actively eruptingand extremely runny carbonatite magma.
  • The magma is saturated with alkali elements, like calcium and sodium and is poor in silica.