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PM SHRI (PM Schools for Rising India) Scheme : Oppose

PM SHRI (PM Schools for Rising India) Scheme : Oppose

After Punjab, West Bengal, and Delhi refused participation in the PM-SHRI scheme, the Education Ministry has stopped funds to the three states under the Centre’s flagship Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA).

  • PM SHRI Scheme is a centrally sponsored scheme by the Government of India.
  • Its objective is to establish over 14,500 PM SHRI Schools, overseen by the Central Government, State/UT Governments, local bodies, as well as Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) and Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS).
  • These schools aim to create an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere for every student, ensuring their well-being and providing a secure and enriching learning environment.
  • The goal is to offer a diverse range of learning experiences and ensure access to good physical infrastructure and appropriate resources for all students.
  • The overarching purpose of PM SHRI School is to nurture students in a manner that transforms them into engaged, productive and contributing citizens.
  • This aligns with the vision of the National Education Policy 2020, striving to build a society characterized by equity, inclusivity and pluralism.
  • These schools will not only focus on enhancing cognitive development but also creating holistic and well-rounded individuals equipped with key 21st-century skills.
  • The pedagogy adopted in these schools will be more experiential, holistic, integrated, play/toy-based (particularly in the foundational years), inquiry-driven, discovery-oriented, learner-centred, discussion-based, flexible, and enjoyable.
  • The schools will be upgraded with labs, libraries, and art rooms.
  • They will be developed as green schools with water conservation, waste recycling, energy-efficient infrastructure, and integration of the organic lifestyle as part of the curriculum.
  • The focus will be on the learning outcomes of every child in every grade.
  • Assessment at all levels will be based on conceptual understanding and application of knowledge to real-life situations and will be competency-based.
  • A School Quality Assessment Framework (SQAF) is being developed, specifying the key performance indicators to measure outcomes. A quality evaluation of these schools at regular intervals will be undertaken to ensure the desired standards.
  • The duration of the scheme is from 2022-23 to 2026-27, after which it shall be the responsibility of the States/UTs to continue to maintain the benchmarks achieved by these schools.