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Preservation Of Indigenous Cattle Breeds

Preservation Of Indigenous Cattle Breeds:

The National Institute of Animal Biotechnology (NIAB) is working on a number of initiatives for preservation and sustainable development of the livestock sector.

  • NIAB is using Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data and genotyping technology to establish molecular signatures for registered cattle breeds.
  • Molecular signatures help in accurately identifying and maintaining the purity of indigenous cattle breeds and conserving unique genetic traits.
  • NIAB is focussing on developing new-generation vaccines against diseases like brucellosis to improve animal health and reduce economic losses.
  • Efforts are aligned with the ‘BioE3 (Biotechnology for Economy, Environment, and Employment)’ policy to enhance biomanufacturing.
  • NIAB is focussing on development of ‘bio-scaffolds’ for tissue repair and drug delivery using natural and 3D-printed materials.
  • Scaffold is a base material in which cells and growth factors are embedded to construct a substitute tissue.
  • A bovine lung cell-based 3D model has been created for tuberculosis drug screening and disease modelling.
  • NIAB is working in line with six thematic areas set by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) to promote a circular bio-based economy, focusing on alternative proteins and sustainable biomanufacturing.
  • NIAB has plans to use bacteriophages and their ‘lytic’ proteins as antibiotics alternatives to target bacterias such as staphylococci, E. coli and streptococci.
  • Bacteriophages, also known as phages, are viruses that infect and replicate only in bacterial cells. Bacteriophages kill bacteria.
  • Phage lytic proteins are a clinically advanced class of enzyme-based antibiotics, so-called enzybiotics.
  • A biomarker (metabolite and protein) has been developed for early assessment of nutritional stress which may lead to decreased productivity and infertility in cattle population
  •  NIAB promotes sustainable livestock farming through community engagement and programs like MILAN, which connects with livestock farmers to demonstrate new technologies.