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SAFAL Test Cycle 2024 To Reduce Exam Stress : CBSE

SAFAL Test Cycle 2024 To Reduce Exam Stress : CBSE

CBSE Launches SAFAL Test Cycle to Ease Exam Pressure

  • Objective Assess students of Classes 5 and 8 on core concepts instead of rote learning with no preparation required.
  • SAFAL (Structured Assessment For Analyzing Learning) aligns with NEP 2020 to reduce exam fear. It started with 80 schools in 2022, expanded to 1,887 schools in 2023.
  • In 2024, over 10 lakh students from 11,000 schools are participating.
  • Implementation SAFAL will test science, math, and languages in 75-minute (Class 5) and 90-minute (Class 8) sessions.
    Assessment Levels 1.
  • Below Basic (two grades lower skills) <br> 2. Basic (one grade lower skills) <br> 3. Proficient (current grade skills) <br> 4. Advanced (above grade skills)
  • Scoring Scores are scaled for difficulty, not percentages, to act as a diagnostic tool rather than ranking students.
  • Future Plans Expand to all 29,000 CBSE schools by 2025.
  • Goal Identify learning gaps and plan targeted interventions without adding pressure on students.
  • PARAKH (Performance Assessment, Review, and Analysis of Knowledge for Holistic Development): Independent unit within NCERT, established in 2023.