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Vertical Fiscal Imbalance

Vertical Fiscal Imbalance:

There is the problem of Vertical Fiscal Imbalance (VFI) in Indian fiscal federalism, where expenditure decentralization overwhelms the revenue-raising powers of the States.

  • Vertical Fiscal Imbalance (VFI) is defined as the share of sub-national governments’ own spending not financed through their own revenues.
  • A VFI describes a situation in which revenues do not match expenditures for different levels of government.
  • VFI is the fiscal gap in the sub-national governments due to improper decentralization of public revenue and expenditure.
  • This asymmetry in revenue and expenditure decentralization is called Vertical Fiscal Asymmetry (VFA).
  • It is a structural issue that can be resolved if revenue and expenditure responsibilities can be reassigned.
  • It can be corrected through the financial transfers from the Union to the state governments.
  • The simple difference between horizontal and vertical fiscal imbalances lies in who they affect.
  • With a horizontal fiscal imbalance, revenues and spending are mismatched for different regions of the country.
  • In a VFI, revenue and spending are not balanced for different government levels.