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Water Trading : NITI Aayog Report

Water Trading : NITI Aayog Report

As urbanization gathers pace, more and more wastewater is generated. But only about 40% of this is treated, and even that is not being reused.

  • The NITI Aayog, said in a report titled ‘water trading mechanism to promote reuse of treated water’ that in many countries water trading has helped achieve water-use efficiency and productivity.
  • Water Trading is a water market mechanism that considers water as a commodity rather than a public good.
  • It can be traded amongst users according to their needs.
  • A water company, rather than creating its own water source, can buy the water from a third party and sell it to the users.
  • Enabling elements for Water Trading:
    • Ownership of water – should be indisputable.
    • Water entitlements- could be transferred.
    • Water Reuse Certificates (WRCs) – as tradable permits.