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What Are 15-minute Neighborhoods?

What Are 15-minute Neighborhoods?

The 15-minute neighbourhood concept is an urban planning approach where all essential services and amenities—such as groceries, schools, healthcare, and recreational facilities—are accessible within a 15-minute walk or bike ride from residents’ homes.

  • This model aims to reduce car reliance, improve environmental sustainability, and enhance community well-being by promoting walkability and local accessibility.
  • The 15-minute neighborhood concept can help address Bengaluru’s urban challenges through:
  • By promoting walking and cycling for short trips, it decreases the reliance on cars, alleviating road congestion.
  • Less vehicle use leads to lower emissions, enhancing air quality.
  • Close proximity to essential services fosters stronger social connections and a sense of community.
  • Better infrastructure for non-motorized transport reduces accidents and improves public safety.
  • Accessible services within walking distance benefit women, children, the elderly, and economically weaker sections.
  • Encouraging active transport like walking and cycling boosts physical health and well-being.