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World Largest Plastic Polluter : Study

World Largest Plastic Polluter : Study

A recent study published in the journal Nature has revealed that India is the highest contributor to global plastic pollution.

  • India accounts for approximately one-fifth of the total plastic waste generated worldwide.

Key Findings of the Study:

  • India generates approximately 9.3 million tonnes of plastic pollution annually. Out of this, 5.8 million tonnes (mt) are incinerated, while 3.5 million tonnes are released into the environment as debris.
  • This figure is significantly higher than Nigeria (3.5 mt), Indonesia (3.4 mt), and China (2.8 mt).
  • India’s waste generation rate is approximately 0.12 kilograms per capita per day.
  • Plastic waste emissions are highest across countries in Southern Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa and South-eastern Asia. There is a clear divide in plastic pollution sources.
  • Global South countries, such as India, often rely on open burning for waste management, while the Global North uses controlled systems, leading to less unmanaged waste.
  • Globally, 69% or 35.7 Mt per year of plastic waste emissions come from 20 countries.
  • In the Global South, plastic pollution mainly comes from open burning due to poor waste management, while in the Global North, it’s mostly from uncontrolled debris.
  • High-income countries have higher plastic waste generation rates but are not among the top 90 polluters due to 100% collection coverage and controlled disposal.