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Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act (FCRA)

Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act (FCRA): The Union Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has cancelled the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act (FCRA), 2010 registration of various non-governmental organisations (NGOs). Suspension of FCRA licence means that the NGO can no longer receive fresh foreign funds from donors pending a probe by the Home Ministry. The FCRA is mandatory […]

Agni-P Missile

Agni-P Missile: The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) successfully test-fired the new generation nuclear-capable ballistic missile ‘Agni Prime’. This is the second test of the missile, the first test took place in June 2021. The Agni-P missile aims to further strengthen India’s credible deterrence capabilities. Agni-P is a two-stage canisterised solid propellant missile with […]

Mediation Bill,2021

Mediation Bill,2021: The Centre will table the much awaited Mediation Bill in the Rajya Sabha. The Bill provides for establishment of the Mediation Council of India and for community mediation. The Bill intends to institutionalise the process of mediation by strengthening the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanisms. The Bill safeguards the interest of the litigants […]

Minerals (Evidence of Mineral Contents) Second Amendment Rules, 2021

Minerals (Evidence of Mineral Contents) Second Amendment Rules, 2021 and the Mineral (Auction) Fourth Amendment Rules, 2021: The Minerals (Evidence of Mineral Contents) Second Amendment Rules, 2021 and the Mineral (Auction) Fourth Amendment Rules, 2021 have been notified. These two rules will amend the Minerals (Evidence of Mineral Contents) Rules, 2015 [MEMC Rules] and the […]