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Actinimenes koyas: New Species Of Shrimp

Actinimenes koyas: New Species Of Shrimp A new species of shrimp has been discovered by scientists from the ICAR-National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources (NBFGR). The newly discovered species has been named Actinimenes koyas. NBFGR is focused on the documentation of the country’s aquatic genetic resources and gives special attention to shellfish and fish resources. […]

Environmental Clearance Process

Environmental Clearance Process: The Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has introduced a number of changes to the environmental clearance process for projects development projects while proposing to exempt others entirely from its jurisdiction due to which the environmentalists are showing concern. These proposals and changes came in the form of two office […]

Russia As a “State Sponsor Of Terrorism”

Russia As a “State Sponsor Of Terrorism”: Ukraine has requested US to designate Russia as a “state sponsor of terrorism”. The designation would activate perhaps the harshest suite of sanctions available with the US against Russia. The US Secretary of State (the minister primarily in charge of foreign relations) has the power to designate countries […]

National Cyber Security Strategy

National Cyber Security Strategy: In 2020, the National Cyber Security Strategy was conceptualised by the Data Security Council of India (DSCI) headed by Lt General Rajesh Pant. The report focused on 21 areas to ensure a safe, secure, trusted, resilient, and vibrant cyberspace for India. However, amid a surge in cyberattacks on India’s networks, the […]

Award For Excellence To UDAN Scheme

Award For Excellence To UDAN Scheme: The UDAN (UdeDeshkaAamNagrik) Scheme has been selected for Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence in Public Administration 2020 under the category “Innovation (General) – Central”. The Ministry of Civil Aviation will receive the award on 21st April,i.e. Civil Service Day. The government of India celebrates Civil Services Day, every year […]