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Calcium-41 : New Method For Radiometric Dating

Calcium-41 : New Method For Radiometric Dating Scientists have suggested using Calcium-41 for Radiometric Dating as an alternative to Carbon-14 for determining the age of fossilized bones and rocks. They have suggested a technique called Atom-Trap Trace Analysis (ATTA) as a solution, because ATTA is sensitive enough to spot Calcium-41, which is a rare isotope. […]

Spitzer Telescope

Spitzer Telescope: SpaceWERX, the “innovation arm” of the United States Space Force recently selected Rhea Space Activity, a Washington-based astrophysics startup, to develop the Spitzer Resurrector Mission. Spitzer Telescope is a S. satellite the fourth and last of the NASA fleet of “Great Observatories” satellites. It was the third space telescope that was dedicated to […]

75/25 Initiative : Union Health Ministry

75/25 Initiative : Union Health Ministry In a significant move to combat the rising burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), the Union Health Ministry of India on  unveiled the ambitious “75/25” initiative. The program aims to ensure that 75 million individuals suffering from hypertension and diabetes receive standardised care by 2025, primarily through Primary Health Centers […]

Aadhaar-Enabled Payment System

Aadhaar-Enabled Payment System: The Aadhaar-enabled Payment System (AePS) in India has recently faced exploitation by cybercriminals, leading to unauthorized access to users’ bank accounts. Scammers have been using leaked biometric details to bypass the need for One Time Passwords (OTPs) and drain funds from unsuspecting victims. A series of recent scams have exposed the vulnerabilities […]

Sanchar Saathi Portal

Sanchar Saathi Portal: Union Minister of Communications recently launched a citizen-centric Sanchar Saathi portal. Sanchar Saathi portal aims to provide various reforms and services related to mobile connections and telecommunications. It has been developed by C-DoT under the Department of Tele-communications (DoT) to prevent frauds such as identity theft, forged KYC, banking frauds etc. The […]