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Advanced Glycation End Products

Advanced Glycation End Products:

A diet rich in Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) is among the leading causes of India being the world’s diabetic capital, notes a first-of-its-kind clinical trial finding published recently.

  • Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) are harmful molecules formed by the glycation and oxidation of lipids and proteins.
  • Glycation is the process of combining other molecules with sugars.
  • Oxidation is the process of combining other molecules with oxygen.
  • AGEs are formed in your body by metabolism, but the major source of AGEs is food.
  • They are formed in food by grilling, toasting, roasting, broiling, frying, and other high-temperature cooking.
  • Tobacco use is yet another source of AGEs.
  • AGE production in the body increases with age.
  • AGEs are present in the body at all times. At low levels, they don’t cause significant injury.
  • However, they cause cell and tissue damage when they reach high concentrations.
  • AGEs combine with receptors located on blood vessels and several other organs to cause damage to organ systems.
  • These compounds can impact the function of proteins within the cells, alter the behavior of hormones, cytokines, and free radicals, and modify the extracellular matrix between cells.
  • AGEs activate inflammatory and other destructive processes in many systems of your body.
  • AGEs are involved in the development of various chronic inflammatory diseases such as type II diabetes mellitus, vascular and cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, and arthritis.
  • Hyperglycemia(high blood levels of glucose) is one condition associated with more AGE production, causing blood vessel damage in people with diabetes.