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Isothermal Forging Technology

Isothermal Forging Technology:

Isothermal forging is a closed-die process in which the dies and the workpieces are heated to the same temperature, so that forming can take place without loss of temperature in the workpiece.

  • It’s a preferred process for forming engineered parts, including jet-engine and other aerospace components in high-density lightweight alloys.
  • In this process, the workpiece is formed to shape at a slow rate and at a temperature almost equal to that of the heated die.
  • The long forging time, alongside forces exerted by the die, help to form an almost ‘ready to use’ component needing minimal supplementary machining.
  • This is a crucial technology for establishing self-reliance in aeroengine technology.
  • With this development, India has joined the league of limited global engine developers to have the manufacturing capabilities of such critical aero engine components.