KaWaCHaM : Weather Alert System
The Kerala Government launched KaWaCHaM, one of the world’s fastest weather alert systems.
- KaWaCHaM’ stands for Kerala Warnings Crisis and Hazards Management System, and the word kavacham in Malayalam translates to ‘shield’, symbolising protection.
- It is an advanced disaster warning system that integrates alerts, sirens and global weather models to improve the State’s early disaster preparedness and public safety.
- It is designed to enhance rescue and rehabilitation efforts during extreme weather events driven by climate change.
- It has been developed with funding from the National Disaster Management Authority and the World Bank as part of the National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project.
- It includes hazard assessment, alert issuance and action planning according to threat levels.
- It aims to install 126 sirens and strobe lights on tall towers, government buildings and schools.
- Each siren has three colours—red, yellow and orange—in the strobe light and is equipped with eight loudspeakers.
- These sirens can broadcast warnings up to 1,200 metres away and provide essential information about emergency camps and safety precautions.
- The system will include pre-recorded voice messages and audio alerts to provide various warnings.
- Under the project, the State integrates all early warning systems into a framework that disseminates knowledge, issues warnings, monitors developing crises and ensures responses.
- KaWaCHaM collects data from various sources, including weather networks such as India Meteorological Department, INCOIS and CWC, private and public agencies, social media networks and the Internet.
- The warnings will cover sea attacks, heavy rainfall, strong winds and extreme heat.
- It is headed by the state emergency operation centre, will operate at the taluk (subdistrict) level and cover all vulnerable areas.