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Ludwigia peruviana : Significant Threat To Elephant Habitats

Ludwigia peruviana : Significant Threat To Elephant Habitats

An Invasive weed called Ludwigia peruviana is posing a significant threat to elephant habitats and foraging areas in Valparai, Tamil Nadu.

  • The invasion of Ludwigia Peruviana poses a significant threat to elephant habitats, disrupting the growth of essential food sources for elephants and other plant-eating animals.
  • The spread of this invasive weed also impacts the overall biodiversity of invaded areas, leading to the loss of native plant species and potentially forcing wildlife to move to other areas, resulting in negative interactions with humans.
  • Ludwigia Peruviana, also known as primrose willow, is originally native to Central and South America.
  • It is an aquatic plant that was likely introduced as an ornamental species due to its attractive pale yellowish flowers.
  • However, its introduction to new regions has resulted in it becoming an invasive weed, causing ecological disruptions in various swampy areas worldwide.
  • Ludwigia Peruviana grows relatively tall, reaching a height of about 12 feet.
  • As an aquatic plant, it thrives in wetlands and water bodies.
  • It grows faster than many other harmful weeds, and the pre-monsoon temperature and monsoon rains contribute to its rapid growth and spread.