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Mammoth Carbon Capture Plant

Mammoth Carbon Capture Plant:

The world’s largest facility designed to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere started operations in Iceland.

  • Mammoth carbon capture Plant is the largest carbon dioxide capture and storage facility of its kind situated on a dormant volcano in Iceland.
  • It is dubbed as “Mammoth,” this plant is Climeworks’ second commercial direct air capture (DAC) facility in the nation and is significantly larger than its predecessor, Orca, which began in 2021.
  • This cutting-edge technology draws in air and chemically extracts carbon dioxide, which can then be stored underground, converted into stone, or reused.
  • The Swiss company Climeworks, in partnership with Icelandic company Carbfix, plans to sequester the captured carbon by turning it into stone beneath the earth’s surface, utilizing Iceland’s abundant geothermal energy to power the process.