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National One Health Mission : Meeting

National One Health Mission : Meeting


The Union Health Minister chaired the first executive committee meeting of the National One Health Mission.

  • The National One Health Mission was approved by the Prime Minister’s Science, Technology, and Innovation Advisory Council (PM-STIAC) in 2022.
  • The mission aims to coordinate across ministries in achieving overall pandemic preparedness and integrated disease control against priority diseases of both human and animal sectors.
  • The mission will help in institutionalising the ‘One Health’ approach.
  • One Health is an approach that recognises that the health of people is closely connected to the health of animals and our shared environment.
  • The specific efforts under the National One Health Mission include:
    • Implementing Integrated Disease Surveillance
    • Environmental Surveillance System
    • Develop Robust Outbreak Investigation Mechanisms
  • Critical pillars of preparedness in the form of targeted R&D to develop important tools such as vaccines, diagnostics and therapeutics, clinical care, streamline data and information across sectors as well as close community participation will also be addressed by the mission.