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Street Vendors Act

Street Vendors Act:

The Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Act, 2014 celebrated its tenth anniversary, signifying a culmination of four decades of legal evolution and advocacy by street vendor movements in India.

  • The Act was designed to protect and regulate street vending across Indian cities, involving local authorities in establishing designated vending zones.
  • Vendors are crucial to urban life, contributing to food distribution and cultural identity, and the law aims to secure their livelihoods and integrate their activities into formal urban planning.
  • The Act establishes Town Vending Committees (TVCs), which include street vendor representatives, with women vendors constituting 33% of this group.
  • These committees are responsible for the inclusion of vendors in designated zones and handling grievances through mechanisms like the Grievance Redressal Committee (chaired by a civil judge or judicial magistrate).
  • The Act clearly defines the roles and responsibilities of vendors and government at different levels.
  • The provision requires States/ULBs to conduct a survey to identify SVs at least once every five years.