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White Revolution 2.0

White Revolution 2.0:

Union Minister Amit Shah introduced “White Revolution 2.0” to further strengthen India’s dairy sector.

  • This initiative builds upon the success of Operation Flood, which started in 1970 and transformed the dairy industry through cooperative societies. Operation Flood made India one of the largest milk producers in the world.
  • The primary goal of White Revolution 2.0 is to increase milk collection across the country by 50% over the next five years.
  • The aim is to boost daily milk procurement from 660 lakh kilograms to 1,007 lakh kilograms by 2028-29.
  • This will also give dairy farmers better access to markets by expanding the cooperative network.
  • The initiative will receive funding from the National Programme for Dairy Development (NPDD) 2.0.
  • This money will be used to set up milk collection centers, create chilling facilities to keep milk fresh, and provide training programs for dairy farmers.