Exercise KAZIND-2023: The Indian Army and Indian Air Force contingent, comprising 120 personnel, departed to take part in the Joint Military ‘Exercise KAZIND-2023’ which will be conducted at Otar, Kazakhstan, from October 30th to November 11th, 2023. Exercise KAZIND-2023 is the 7th edition of Kazind exercise. The Joint Exercise between India and Kazakhstan was instituted […]
About: Kumari Sonali
Posts by Kumari Sonali:
United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon
United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon: United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) said that one of its members sustained injuries after shelling Houla village near the Israeli-Lebanon border. United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon was created by the Security Council in March 1978 after Israel’s invasion of Lebanon. According to Security Council resolutions 425 […]
Hostile Activity Watch Kernel (HAWK) System
Hostile Activity Watch Kernel (HAWK) System: The Karnataka Forest Department, along with the Wildlife Trust of India, launched the Hostile Activity Watch Kernel (HAWK) system. Hostile Activity Watch Kernel (HAWK) system is Cloud Based Information Management System designed to manage interlinked databases of wildlife crime, wildlife criminals, and wildlife mortality. It will help officials analyse the […]
Carbon Nanoflorets
Carbon Nanoflorets: Carbon nanoflorets made by IIT Bombay researchers can convert incident sunlight to heat with 87% efficiency. Carbon nanoflorets are like tiny marigold flowers made only of carbon, which are called as the material carbon nanoflorets. Researchers heated a special form of silicon dust called DFNS (for dendritic fibrous nanosilica) in a furnace. Once […]
Crab plover : Species Of Shorebirds
Crab plover : Species Of Shorebirds For the first time, breeding nests of crab-plovers spotted at Great Vedaranyam Swamp near Point Calimere, Tamil Nadu. Crab-plover is a long-legged, black and white bird of Indian Ocean coasts, related to plovers and allied species of shorebirds. This is the only shorebird that lays white eggs, and chicks […]
SIM-Swap Scam
SIM-Swap Scam: A Delhi-based advocate recently became the latest victim of the SIM-Swap Scam after she received three missed calls from unknown numbers and lost money from her bank account. All banking applications are linked to phone numbers, which help in generating OTPs (to authenticate transactions) or receiving important bank-related messages. In the SIM swap […]
Bru Refugees : Will Not Participate In Mizoram Election
Bru Refugees : Will Not Participate In Mizoram Election Bru refugees will not participate in elections in Mizoram as they were given permanent settlement in Tripura under a centrally sponsored rehabilitation arrangement. Bru, also known as Reang, is a community indigenous to the Northeast, living mostly in Tripura, Mizoram, and Assam. In Tripura, they are […]
Rajaji Tiger Reserve
Rajaji Tiger Reserve: The Uttarakhand government recently decided to establish Rajaji Tiger Reserve Conservation Foundation to accelerate the ecological, economic, social, and cultural development of the landscapes in and around the reserve. Rajaji Tiger Reserve (earlier Rajaji National Park) is located in the Shivalik range of the Himalayas and spread over 820 kms. It covers […]
Rashtriya Gokul Mission
Rashtriya Gokul Mission: The Gir indigenous cow breed is being promoted under the Rashtriya Gokul Mission. Rashtriya Gokul Mission has been implemented for the development and conservation of indigenous bovine breeds since December 2014. It is continued under the umbrella scheme Rashtriya Pashudhan Vikas Yojana from 2021 to 2026. Objectives: To enhance the productivity of […]
Nutrient Based Subsidy : Approved
Nutrient Based Subsidy : Approved The union cabinet has approved Nutrient Based Subsidy (NBS) rates for the various nutrients of Rabi and Kharif Season for 2022-23. For Rabi Season 2022-23: NBS approved for various nutrients i.e. Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P),Potash (K) and Sulphur (S) For Kharif Season 2023: NBS rates approved for Phosphatic and Potassic […]